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Privacy compliance with EU-GDPR.
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Privacy Policy

1. Data Controller

SaleQR start-up project, "demo" & "beta" version website ( the "SaleQR") is ensuring compliance with the rules on personal data processing by providing the following information on the processing of data that is received or in any case collected while browsing this site.

2. Processed data, purpose and legal grounds for processing

Data generated by accessing the site
The information systems and the software used for this site acquire, during their normal use, certain personal data which is implicitly transferred while using Internet communication protocols. Such data (such as, for example, domain names, IP addresses, operating system used, type of device and browser used in the connection) is not coupled with any additional personal information and is used for: i) retrieving anonymous statistical information on the use of the site; (ii) managing control needs of the methods used for site browsing; and iii) ascertaining liability in the case of cybercrime. The legal ground for processing data is to render the site’s features functional following the user’s access.

Data voluntarily provided by the user
The personal* data provided by the user through the registration-form collected are:
  • e-mail address, (stored as md5 string)
    - The e-mail address is used by SaleQR once during the registration process to send the first casual-string-type-password to the new user.
    - SaleQR stores the password at own servers as MD5 string like this one "18553a6abe37cd860836a85de1ace03c".
    - SaleQR treats the e-mail address in the same way also during the "Forgotten password" or "Modify e-mail" process.
  • nickname
    - A nick name is an fantasy name, to preserve your identity.
  • ip address, (stored as md5 string)
    - The ip address is treated as MD5 string like this one "18553a6abe37cd860836a85de1ace03c".
*) NOTE:
As you can see, "de facto", we do not collect you personal data but some strings needed for the use of the platform which constitutes a substantial part of the site’s functionality.

3. Processing methods and length of storage

The data collected shall be processed using electronic, or in any case, automated, computer and telematic, or manual methods that are logically strictly related to the purpose for which the personal data was collected, and in any case, in a manner to guarantee the security of the same. The data shall be stored for a term that is strictly necessary for the management of the purposes for which the data was collected, in compliance with the law in force and the legal obligations. In any case, SaleQR has enacted practices that prohibit the storage of data for an indeterminate term and therefore limits the storage term in compliance with the principle of minimising data processing.

4. Persons authorised to process data, data processors and disclosing of data

Data processing of the data collected is carried out by persons working within SaleQR that are appointed for this end and authorised to process data according to specific rules provided under the law in force.

5. Data used by external third-party:

By sending your shopping-cart order of coupons/vouchers to the SaleQR user defined as "shop", " business", "retailer" or "brand", your personal data "nickname" becomes visible to their "received orders" page.
They can see only your "nickname" and the products of the shopping-cart sent by you.

In any case, personal data will never be disseminated.

6. Data Subject's Right

It is possible to access, object to the processing or request the erasure, the modification or the updating of all the personal data collected by SaleQR, at any time, by exercising the right to limit the data processing and the movement of data, by sending our "Contact us" form linked in the bottom of every page.

7. Data Processor

The controller has appointed the data processor, who may be contacted by sending our "Contact us" form linked in the bottom of every page.

Last updated

March 19, 2018