With SaleQR people can track your products
- to save/remember them
- to get information about retailer's and/or brand’s discounts, offers and promotions
The Brand can
- Block unauthorized retailers
- Know about the customer’s effective intention of purchase: usually, people who tag are awaiting for a discount to buy
- Easy to manage using Excel spreadsheets
- Your retailers will have to connect directly to your products placed on SaleQR to create their own discount campaigns
- You can control and block unauthorized retailers
- Easy to manage using Excel spreadsheets
We strongly recommend that you print a SaleQR code on the label of each product
- The SaleQR code will redirect the customer at the product detail page of the retailer
- The customer can save the product to their favorite SaleQR Wish List and they will see all yours and retailer's future discounts
The customer is connected to the retailer's product
- you can create campaigns just for a given list
- you can create campaigns for a given list
- never lose sight of the product
- can see your and retailer's offers easily on their smartphone
- Only reach people interested in your products
- To take a free trial register here
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